Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Little B Today

The comments I get most about B when we are out:

He has beautiful eyes
He is so big
He is very alert

Yep, all of the above are true but the big thing kinda gets me...he is only in the 50% for weight right now so I'm curious what the babies in the 90% are like. I also just wonder if people don't have a ton of experience with babies and they think 6 month olds are still newborns. He is not a newborn in my eyes anymore. He is a smart baby who knows what he wants and will let me know it.

Today I am savoring the time I have kissing his sweet little head and snuggling close because tomorrow he gets his doc band and we won't be able to do those things 23 out of the 24 hours in each day. Pictures will be forthcoming.

That's what's on my mind today : )

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