My Pumpkin Love,
You are 4 months old! Where did my newborn baby go?! You are one opinionated little boy these days. You sure do let mommy and daddy know how you feel - happy, sad, hurt, hungry, bored, silly...the list could go on. You went to the doctor today so we know your stats. You weigh 15 pounds 9 ounces and are 25.25 inches long. Both fall within the 50-75%. Great job big boy! You got a great bill of health from Dr. J and she was impressed that you already have your 2 bottom teeth. We are still working on straightening out your head and hopefully by your 6 month apt. it will be all rounded out. You are doing so much better on your tummy and you actually are enjoying yourself. You love to stand up and you are chewing on everything in sight. I must admit, I'm a bit concerned about germs, but everyone reminds me it will just build you immune system. You are such a fun baby. You light up with a great big smile when you are happy and you love spending time outside in this beautiful weather. I love spending time with you in the hammock in the backyard. You love to be in motion! Every night you and your dad play in the pillows on the bed and you squeal with delight being "thrown" into the pillows. You are getting much better at "jumping" in your jumparoo and it's so fun to watch you grow up each and every day. I love you B-man!