The biggest issue we talked about was the tilt of B's neck. This picture makes it a little easier to explain...
See how his head is tilted to his left? This is a common position for his head to be in when he is looking straight ahead. The medical name for this is Torticollis ( a twisted neck in which the head is tipped to one side, while the chin is turned to the other). This was something we noticed when he was younger but we thought it had corrected itself. Apparently not : ( Her recommendation was for him to start physical therapy to stretch out the neck muscles. She said that this is common in babies, but easily corrected with proper treatment.
They also recommended that he wear a doc band for 10-12 weeks. She said that the band in combo with the PT would be the best combination for him. His main flat spot is at the base of his skull which is the hardest spot to correct, but there are other more noticeable parts of his skull that are uneven.
We got a lot of information yesterday, but it was all very helpful. We will see his pedi next week for his 6 month appointment and make all of our decisions about the PT and band at that point.
So if you want to google it he has Torticollis and Plagiocephaly.
Glad these are things that can be easily fixed and don't cause him any pain! :)