Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Chapter

As we start a new blog, we start a new chapter in our lives.

We are moving to Austin! We have been looking to relocate for a few years now, and this seemed like the best transition time in our lives. Dave has found an exciting new job and...

We are expecting our first baby in October!

Here I am with the start of my baby bump - around 16 weeks. Even now at 18 weeks I don't look much different.
We have had 2 ultrasounds so far and everything is progressing right on track. My official due date is October 24th so we will have a new little pumpkin at Halloween this fall!
We will find out the gender on June guess is a girl, but who knows - at least it's a 50/50 shot!

This is a lot of change at one time, but we couldn't be more excited about the future. We've enjoyed our time up here in the NYC area, but it's time to settle down and start a family. I just never thought it would all happen in 6 months time!