B Bear,
You are 10 months old! You are getting into everything!! You are a great crawler and love to explore you little world. Your favorite things to do are open and close doors, cabinets, and drawers. This makes for some major baby proofing! You are starting to recognize words and it’s so amazing to watch you learn and grow. Last night we said, “B eat a blueberry and you picked up the blueberry, then we said get a Cheerio” and you picked one up. We were so proud! You point to objects and say “words.” Even though we don’t understand what you are saying yet I know you are trying to communicate and it is the sweetest thing! You love dogs and say “da” when you see one. You have been cruising the furniture like crazy this month and are getting much more stable on your feet. You haven’t stood on your own yet, but that’s just fine with me! You are doing pretty well with table foods. You are able to chew just about anything, but you are a picky eater just like your mom. Your favorite foods right now are blueberries, strawberries, pears, apples, bananas, yogurt, and Cheerios. You will eat chicken, ground beef (in lasagna), cheese (sometimes), and other random things that we eat, but you will spit something out if you don’t like it. Notice, there aren’t any veggies on this list….I’m still trying to figure out how to do finger food veggies that you will eat. You still love your veggies purees : ) You still sleep on about the same schedule as you have for the last few months. Wake up around 7, nap at 9:30, nap at 2:00, and bedtime around 7. You still wake up most nights for a bottle around 4 or 5 am, but that’s still fine with us. Maybe by a year you will be sleeping regularly for 12 hours. Wishful thinking maybe : ) You were sick for almost a week this month. You had a really high fever, but really no other symptoms. The doctor ruled out and ear infection and strep throat so we guess it was just a virus that had to run it’s course. You were such a trooper! You have developed quite the stubborn streak. When you are told "no" or moved away from something you want you get quite mad at me. I'm hoping this is just a phase and you will soon learn that I am just trying to keep you safe. We go play at the indoor kids gym a lot and you have really been enjoying that! Next week we start back with swim lessons. You took your 12th and 13th plane flights this week. I must say, these were 2 of your best flights! You did a great job! You have become such a good traveler and it’s so nice that you are able to adapt well in new situations. I can’t believe you are so close to walking, talking, and turning 1. You birthday will be here before we know it! I love you sweet boy : )